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    A & B series Clic mag RECTANGULAR softbox
    2 years agoopen0
    I have A & B series CF and OCF flash systems. I LOVE the Clic magnetic lines that are being produced for the A series. Please continue the A series Clic lines to include rectangular soft boxes and beauty dishes. B series needs some sort of Clic system, magnetic or not (I understand that even powerfull magnets can only hold so much weight), the speed rings are colour convenient, but are much slower to setup than the A series Clic system. The Clic system for the A series is what brought me over the Profoto as a loyal client. I imagine this would also have a ripple effect if brought to the B and even the D lines….
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    A series accessories
    2 years agoopen1
    Bounce card or soft lighter always fall off. I have to use gaffer tape to keep everything in place. Please make these connections more sturdy.