The light of the pro heads is 1000 times better( more beautiful) than your compact, flat, versions. We need to recover a proper exposed flash bulb with the improvement of a powerful led for modelling. Barebulb simply doesn’t work with your compact heads...sorry!
Current the flash bulb is recessed. Sometimes (bigger softboxes + in the beautydishes) you just want a bare bulb. Idea would be to have a part of the front screwable. Without the front part, the bulb is exposed etc. At the same time introduce a better (yoke like) adapter so that the weight of the softboxes is not on the flash but on the yoke adapter. I created a yoke-like adpater by combining a regular RFI adapter and a RFI speedlight adpater (Chris Fain called it the "frankenstein thing" in one of his weekly video's).