In small spaces, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve poked my face (and almost eye) moving around the XL umbrella. Wish there was a feature to unscrew and remove the long exposed stem while in use.
For studio sessions that don't allow a great amount of time with a subject, the ability to group a handful of lights in different configurations can save lots of time and allow for flexibility of looks. For example, the Buff Cybersync allows you to have 16 lights on a singular frequency, and group them into 8 different configurations that allow individual lights to be in multiple groups. And, to extend the idea, the ability to cycle through a specified set of groups rapidly (speedcycler) would allow a fast way to get multiple looks from a single pose by your subject (for the shoots when you only have a few minutes, and you need to get everything you can).
The front of the softboxes should be available. Why not print any finny pictures on the surface? May be a smily or a sun, Palm beach or snow on mountains? Just to make models hapy.